All Categories - Felix Paulick, LMSW - Psychotherapy and Coaching
November 29, 2016
Passion. Joy. Purpose. These are the three key ingredients that I bring to my work. My...
August 16, 2015
I practice Gay Affirmative Psychotherapy, which was developed by my mentor, Joe Kort. The
August 16, 2015
What causes depression? What about postpartum depression?
There is no single cause. Rather,...
August 16, 2015
Consider that how you treat your child is probably how you were treated as a child. And it is how...
August 16, 2015
The key to understanding Out-Of-Control Sexual Behaviors (OCSB), Pornography Addiction, and...
August 16, 2015
We are living at an important and fruitful moment now, for it is clear to men that the images of...
August 16, 2015
"From conception onward, our lives are about relationship. Relationship is who we are and what we...
Process addiction is an addiction to an activity or process, such as video games, the internet,...
August 16, 2015
Depression and anxiety often go together. More than half of the people diagnosed with depression...
August 16, 2015
What is sex therapy?
Sex therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy that focuses on sexual...
July 7, 2015
My approach to couples therapy combines the approaches of best-selling authors and family...
July 7, 2015
Consider that how you treat your child is probably how you were treated as a child. And it is how...
July 7, 2015
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond...
July 7, 2015
I specialize in helping men and their partners create happier lives and better relationships. One...
July 7, 2015
The secret to success is the willingness to ask for and receive help. I will work with you to...
July 7, 2015
Our approach to group therapy includes the mind, body, soul, and spirit. We integrate different ...
June 25, 2015
I teach how to apply the 6 secrets of successful relationships in my individual, couples, and...
June 25, 2015
Time: Every other Tuesday from 8:30-9:30am Location: Online Facilitator: Felix Paulick - Please...
June 25, 2015
Time: Every other Tuesday from 8:30 - 9:30am Location: Online Facilitator: Felix Paulick - please...
June 25, 2015
Imago Relationship Therapy
Imago Relationship Therapy is a form of relationship therapy created...